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Saturday, 27 July 2013

Mango cheese cake

This actually is an old post, just no time to blog it. On parent's day and mom's birthday celebration, which we combine all in one, save time, save money, and grand celebration it can be, I decided to create this for them, Mango cheese cake. My mom loves my cotton cheese cake, while my dad loves mango so to my bro in law. Thus, I blend them into one cake. It is a long process and holding my breath to finish it, a must to finish no matter how. Luckily it stays fine all the way and tastes heavenly good.


Ya we have used to taste Tiramisu, so just apply the same method instead of deeping in coffee drink, spreading coffee powder, we use mango. Now is the good time to make this receipe because it is mango season. I got them free from my mom in law backyard, I name them Phillipine mango since young not too sure if it is the correct name,  it smells so well and the fragrant is so strong, and sweet too. I do this big batch for my sister gang of colleagues who are having steamboat at my home.